PR NV monitoring committee
Decizia 32/11.12.2024 – privind aprobarea documentelor supuse consultării în cadrul procedurii scrise inițiate în data de 03.12.2024 alături de
Appendix 1 – Programul Regional Nord-Vest 2021-2027 modificat
Appendix 2 – Sinteză Modificări Programul Regional Nord-Vest 2021-2027
Appendix 3 – Metodologia și criteriile de selecție aferente Priorității de Asistență Tehnică
Decizia 31/05.09.2024 – Aprobarea modificării Programului Regional Nord-Vest 2021-2027 (v 3.1) și a Metodologiei de selecție aplicabilă în cadrul PR NV 2021-2027 pentru operațiunile care implică implementarea de instrumente financiare alături de
Appendix 1 – Programul Regional Nord-Vest 2021-2027 modificat
Appendix 2 – Sinteză Modificări Programul Regional Nord-Vest 2021-2027
Appendix 3 – Metodologia de selecție aplicabilă în cadrul Programului Regional Nord-Vest 2021-2027 pentru operațiunile care implică implementarea de instrumente financiare
Decizia 30/30.05.2024 – Aprobarea Metodologiilor și a criteriilor de eligibilitate și selecție aplicabile în cadrul PR NV 2021-2027 alături de
Appendix 1 – Metodologia și criteriile de evaluare și selecție pentru apelurile 113 – Ecosisteme de inovare – centre CDI – Inclusiv cercetare in colaborare, 621.C – Centre de testare orientare profesională, 661 – Dezvoltarea de tabere școlare
Appendix 2 – Sinteza modificărilor
Decizia 29/30.05.2024 – Aprobarea modificărilor aferente metodologiilor și criteriilor de eligibilitate și de selecție aplicabile în cadrul Programului Regional Nord-Vest 2021-2027 aprobate prin Deciziile 24/24.11.2023, 25/24.11.2023 și 26/26.03.2024 alături de
Appendix 1 – Metodologiile și criteriile de evaluare și selecție actualizate pentru apelurile: 131.A – Investiții productive inovatoare pentru microîntreprinderile din Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Vest, 132.A2 – Sprijinirea dezvoltării unor investiții inițiale ale unor IMM-uri în cadrul parcurilor de specializare inteligentă și 311.A – Creșterea eficienței energetice în regiune ca parte a investițiilor în sectorul locuințelor
Appendix 2 – Sinteza modificărilor
Decizia 28/30.05.2024 regarding the approval of the modification of the North-West Regional Program 2021-2027 alongside Appendix 1 (Programul Regional Nord-Vest 2021-2027 (v3.1) și Appendix 2 – Sinteza modificărilor
Decizia 27/30.05.2024 privind aprobarea minutei reuniunii nr. 9 a Comitetului de Monitorizare al Programului Regional Nord-Vest 2021-2027 alături de Anexa 1 (Minuta ședinței Comitetului de Monitorizare al Programului Regional Nord-Vest 2021-2027 din data de 24.11.2023)
Decision 26/26.03.2024 regarding the approval of the documents submitted in the written procedure initiated on 14.03.2024 Together with Appendix 1, Appendix 2, Appendix 3, Appendix 4 and Appendix 5.
Decision 25/24.11.2023 regarding the approval of the changes related to the methodologies and eligibility and selection criteria applicable within the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027 approved by Decision 16/02.06.2023 – CM5-PS and Decision 18/14.09.2023, CM7-PS alongside Appendix 1 – Synthesis of changes and Appendix 2 Evaluation and selection methodologies and criteria for 11 calls
Decision 24/24.11.2023 regarding the approval of the Methodologies and evaluation and selection criteria for the calls 131.A.2 – Supporting the development of initial investments of some SMEs within the smart specialization parks and Technical Assistance Call 2 alongside Appendix 1 The methodology and the eligibility and selection criteria for call 131.A.2 – Supporting the development of initial investments of some SMEs within the smart specialization parks and Technical Assistance – Call 2
Decision 23/24.11.2023 regarding the approval of the Methodology for taking over staged projects from the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020 in the North-West Regional Program 2021-2027 alongside Appendix 1
Decision 22/24.11.2023 regarding the approval of the modification of the North-West Regional Program 2021-2027 alongside Appendix 1 – Synthesis of changes and Appendix 2 – Northwest Regional Program (v 2.2)
Decision 21/24.11.2023 regarding the approval of the minutes of the meeting no. 8 of the Monitoring Committee of the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027 alongside Appendix 1 – Minutes of the CM PR NV meeting of 10.10.2023
Decision 20/10.10.2023 Together with Appendix 1 – Approval of the PR NV 2021-2027 evaluation plan.
Decision 19/10.10.2023 Together with Appendix 1 - Approval of meeting minutes no. 4 of the Monitoring Committee of the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027.
Decision 18/14.09.2023 Together with Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 – Approval of changes to the Methodology and eligibility and selection criteria for 19 calls: 121, 131.A, 131.B, 131.C, 131.D, 132.A.1, 132.B.1, 311.A, 312.A, 371.A, 371.B, 523, 711, 712, 713, 714.C, 721, 722, 723.
Decision 17/27.07.2023 and Appendices 1-5 – Re-approval Methodology and eligibility and selection criteria for calls 621.A, 621.B, 622.A, 622.B and 623, Approval of the modification of the Northwest Regional Program, Approval of the modification of the ROF CM PR NV.
Decision 16/02.06.2023, Annex 1, Annex 2, Annex 3, Annex 4, Annex 5 and Annex 6 – Approval of the Methodologies and eligibility and selection criteria for calls 132.B.1, 712 and 722, re-approval of the Methodologies and eligibility and selection criteria for calls 312.A, 132.A.1, 111, 112, 131.G , Approval of the modification of the Northwest Regional Program, Approval of the modification of the ROF CM PR NV
Decision 15/30.03.2023, Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 – Approval of the Methodology and eligibility and selection criteria for 14 calls within the North-West Regional Program 2021-2027
Decision 14/30.03.2023, Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 - Approval of changes to the Methodology and the eligibility and selection criteria for 5 calls approved by Decisions no. 6/28.02.2023, 7/28.02.2023, 8/28.02.2023, 9/28.02.2023, 10/28.02.2023 of the Monitoring Committee
Decision 13/30.03.2023, Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 – Approval of changes to the Methodology and the eligibility and selection criteria for 12 calls approved by Decision no. 5/31.01.2023 of the Monitoring Committee
Decision 12/30.03.2023 and Appendix 1 - Approval of the amendment to the PRNV 2021-2027
Decision 11/30.03.2023 – Approval of meeting minutes no. 2 of CM PR NV from 31.01.2023
Decision 10/28.02.2023 and Appendix 1 – Approval of the methodology and eligibility and selection criteria for call 131.D – Innovative productive investments in the fields of tourism and health – written procedure
Decision 9/28.02.2023 and Appendix 1 – Approval of the methodology and eligibility and selection criteria for call 131.C – Innovative productive investments in the fields of robotics and nanotechnologies – written procedure
Decision 8/28.02.2023 and Appendix 1 – Approval of the methodology and eligibility and selection criteria for call 131.B – Innovative productive investments for SMEs in the North-West Development Region – written procedure
Decision 7/28.02.2023 and Appendix 1 – Approval of the methodology and eligibility and selection criteria for call 131.A – Innovative productive investments for micro-enterprises in the North-West Region – written procedure
Decision 6/28.02.2023 and Appendix 1 – Approving the methodology and eligibility and selection criteria for call 121 – Digitization of SMEs in the North-West Development Region
Decision 5/31.01.2023 and Appendix 1 – Approving the methodology and criteria for eligibility and selection of projects for 13 calls
Decision 4/31.01.2023 and Appendix 1 – Approval of the Regulation on the organization and operation of the Technical Working Groups established within the Monitoring Committee of the North-West Regional Program
Decision 3/31.01.2023 – Approval of the modification of the Regulation on the organization and operation of the Monitoring Committee of the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027
Decision 2/31.01.2023 – Approval of the minutes of the first meeting of the CM PR NV from 05.12.2022
Decision 1/05.12.2022 and Appendix 1 - Approval of the Organization and Operation Regulations of the Monitoring Committee of the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027