Invitation to the Consultation Session on the development of an investment fund

Northwest Regional Development Agency (ADR NV) as Management Authority for the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027 invites you to participate Thursday, February 8, 2024, 10:00 a.m, at a consultation session on the development of a venture capital investment fund for startups in the Northwest Development Region, with a proposed contribution from the ERDF and the State Budget of 23,529,411.80 EURO.

ADR NV is in the final stages of preparing the documentation for the selection of a fund manager and invites professional consultations from the regional startup ecosystem to discuss the following topics:

  • Fund manager selection procedure;
  • Lifetime of the investment fund;
  • Relevant range for the investment fund management fee;
  • Maximum fund value (including with private contribution);
  • Elements of negotiation in the selection and award process;
  • Indicators within the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027;

To participate in the meeting, please send us an email confirming your presence, stating your name and the institution you represent, to the email address Please confirm your intention to attend the consultation meeting by February 6, 2024. Confirmation of participation and access link will be provided to you after registering for the meeting.

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