Road safety is a priority and investments dedicated to increasing road safety save lives.
The Cluj County Council signed, through the North-West Regional Program, a contract worth approximately 1 million euros for the purchase of modern machinery for the maintenance of county roads. The machines will be used for the maintenance of road markings, the cleaning of roadways, the removal of vegetation and all obstacles that reduce the visibility of drivers.
The North-West Regional Program attaches great importance to investments of this type, the call for projects to increase the safety of county roads has an allocation of 50 million euros.
The project "Equipment for increasing traffic safety in Cluj County - Code SMIS 303552" signed between ADR Northwest and Cluj County Council benefits from non-refundable funding from the European Regional Development Fund and corresponds to the investments related to the European Union's policy objective for "A more Europe accessible".

The North-West Regional Program 2021-2027 proposes interventions for the development of research, development, innovation and digitization capacity, increasing the energy performance of the existing public and residential building fund, capitalizing on degraded spaces at the city level, sustainable urban mobility, investments in the network of county roads and in the educational infrastructure, as well as actions to capitalize on the cultural, touristic and spa potential.
In the financial year 2021-2027, public authorities and institutions, the business environment, the academic and research environment and NGOs can obtain funding.
The Northwest Regional Program benefits from a total allocation of 1,437,252,471 euros.
- Priority 1: A competitive region through innovation, digitization and dynamic enterprises - total value: 327,904,956 euros
- Priority 2: A region with smart localities - total value: 60,332,872 euros
- Priority 3: A region with environmentally friendly localities - total value: 210,666,112 euros
- Priority 4: A region with sustainable multimodal urban mobility – total value: 305,155,751 euros
- Priority 5: An accessible region - total value: 184,978,708 euros
- Priority 6: An educated region - total value: 77,386,100 euros
- Priority 7: An attractive region - total value: 210,363,134 euros
- Technical assistance – total value: 60,464,838 euros
More information about the Northwest Regional Program for 2021-2027 is available here, and the program can be consulted here.