The project "Increasing energy efficiency and rehabilitating the building located in Oradea street Republicii no. 35, SMIS Code 300542" was signed

Palace of Public Finances in Oradea
AI generated image.

The Palace of Public Finances in Oradea, a historical monument built between 1899 and 1900, will be completely rehabilitated and modernized based on a financing contract signed by the Bihor County Council during this week and whose total value is over 9.5 million Of euro.

The project is financed by the North-West Regional Program 2021-2027, Priority 3 – A region with environmentally friendly localities and will contribute to the modernization of the building by increasing energy efficiency and rehabilitating it in accordance with European standards, reducing greenhouse gases and efficiency of fuel or electricity consumption by implementing energy efficiency technologies.

After the completion of the works, the building will host various departments or institutions within Bihor county, such as the Chief Architect's Directorate, the Ecoland Bihor Intercommunity Development Agency, the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC) Bihor, the Ecolect Group Intercommunity Development Agency and the one-stop shop for all subordinate institutions CJ Bihor.

The North-West Regional Program 2021-2027 proposes interventions for the development of research, development, innovation and digitization capacity, increasing the energy performance of the existing public and residential building fund, capitalizing on degraded spaces at the city level, sustainable urban mobility, investments in the network of county roads and in the educational infrastructure, as well as actions to capitalize on the cultural, touristic and spa potential.
In the financial year 2021-2027, public authorities and institutions, the business environment, the academic and research environment and NGOs can obtain funding. The Northwest Regional Program benefits from a total allocation of 1,437,252,471 euros.

  • Priority 1: A competitive region through innovation, digitization and dynamic enterprises - total value: 327,904,956 euros
  • Priority 2: A region with smart localities - total value: 60,332,872 euros
  • Priority 3: A region with environmentally friendly localities - total value: 210,666,112 euros
  • Priority 4: A region with sustainable multimodal urban mobility – total value: 305,155,751 euros
  • Priority 5: An accessible region - total value: 184,978,708 euros
  • Priority 6: An educated region - total value: 77,386,100 euros
  • Priority 7: An attractive region - total value: 210,363,134 euros
  • Technical assistance – total value: 60,464,838 euros

More information about the Northwest Regional Program for 2021-2027 is available here, and the program can be consulted here.

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