The PR NV 2021-2027 Management Authority decided to extend the document submission session for the stage of verifying the administrative compliance and admissibility of the Territorial Strategies developed in the rural environment of the North-West Region

The PR NV 2021-2027 Management Authority decided to extend the document submission session for the stage of verifying the administrative compliance and admissibility of the Territorial Strategies (ST) developed in the rural environment, until the July 31, 2024, 4:00 p.m.

Compliance and admissibility notice ST, issued following the verification stage, will represent a eligibility condition in the process of accessing European funds for Policy Objectives 2 and 5, according to Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 24, 2021, Cap. II, art. 28, 29.

For more details on how to submit and submit documents, go to the original announcement:

The Northwest Regional Development Agency begins the stage of verifying the administrative compliance and admissibility of the Territorial Strategies developed in the rural environment of the Northwest Region

In accordance with the provisions of the Emergency Ordinance (EOG) 122/2020, with subsequent amendments and additions, for the programming period 2021-2027, the North-West Regional Development Agency (North-West Regional Development Agency) has the status of Management Authority (MA) in order to implement the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027 (PR NV 2021-2027).

As a result, the institution is considering starting a process to verify administrative compliance and admissibility Territorial Strategies (ST) developed at the RURAL level by the UATs that intend to submit projects for financing on OP 5 "A Europe closer to citizens", Priority 7 - An attractive region within the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027. This measure is necessary, considering given the fact that accessing European funds on Policy Objective V, according to Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 24, 2021, Cap. II, art. 28,29; It is conditionedUm by the existence of Territorial Strategies (ST) for strategic integrated territorial development projects, as well as evidence-based justifications regarding the appropriateness and role of investments in overall local development.

Read more:

For other additional information, the contact person from ADR NV is Sebastian Andriesei (e-mail: urban, phone: 0757905163).

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