One year after the official approval of the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027

Today we celebrate one year since the official approval of the North-West Regional Program 2021-2027 by the decision of the European Commission C (2022) 7386, and on this occasion we want to thank all those involved in the development and submission of funding applications for trust and work which they submitted to generate an impressive number of projects.

It was an extremely demanding year, with many challenges, a year in which the Management Authority team worked hard to make available to the beneficiaries as many financing options as possible to meet the development needs of the region.

Our efforts would not have been possible without the support and commitment of everyone involved, both in the public and private sectors. We will continue to rely on the support and support of the community, of all those who will want to support us to fulfill the mission we have undertaken for the future of the region.

Each project submitted so far within the program represents a step taken with the community, and until today we have almost 600 steps together, steps that will outline our path to a region as we all want, more beautiful, more prosperous and with residents satisfied with the standard of living.

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Applicant's Guide 132.A.2 – Supporting the development of initial investments of some SMEs in smart specialization parks was published today, October 2, 2023 in public consultation by the North-West Regional Development Agency, as the Authority of Management for the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027 (NORTH-VEST REGION)
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Second Corrigendum to the Applicant's Guide related to the call for projects 111
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