De minimis aid scheme "Investments in alternative fuel filling stations on the county road network in the Northwest Development Region"

By the decision of the director of ADR North-West no. 203/06.07.2023 a specific aid scheme was approved for "Investments in alternative fuel filling stations on the network of county roads in the North-West Development Region" related to the North-West Regional Program, Policy Objective 3 "A more Europe connected by increasing mobility", Priority 5 "An accessible region", Specific Objective RSO3.2 "Development and improvement of national, regional and local sustainable mobility, resilient to climate change, intelligent and intermodal, including improving access to TEN-T and cross-border mobility", Action a) "Construction/rehabilitation of secondary road links to the road network and TEN-T nodes".

Decision of the North-West ADR director no. 203/06.07.2023 and its related annex can be downloaded and consulted by clicking on the buttons below.

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The Northwest Regional Development Agency, as the Management Authority for the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027 (REGIO Northwest), publishes today, July 6, 2023, the second call for projects within the program.
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