Results of the meeting of the Monitoring Committee, Oradea, November 24, 2023

On November 24, 2023, the ninth meeting of the Monitoring Committee for the North-West Regional Program 2021-2027 took place, an event hosted by the Great Hall of the Oradea City Hall, which was attended by the titular members and observers of the monitoring committee monitoring and representatives of the European Commission within the Geographical Unit for Romania and Croatia. The members of the committee are representatives of civil society, the business environment, consultants, central and local public authorities as well as organizations with activities dedicated to combating discrimination, environmental protection or minority rights.

On the occasion of this meeting, the experts of the Management Authority for the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027 proposed to the members of the Monitoring Committee a package of changes on the methodology and eligibility and selection criteria for 11 project calls. The proposals were debated and later adopted by vote.

The approved changes aimed at the private environment provide for the use of a mechanism for the successive application of quality thresholds. Thus, all the projects submitted in the time intervals corresponding to the quality thresholds applicable to each call will be successively evaluated, and the projects will enter the contracting stage in the order of the scores obtained during the technical and financial evaluation stage. Moving from a higher quality threshold to the next quality threshold will only be done if the projects evaluated within the higher quality threshold do not cover the entire call allocation. For all appeals affected by the changes, corrigendums will be issued as soon as possible, by which the decisions voted in the Monitoring Committee will be applied.

The calls for projects dedicated to the private environment for which corrigendums will be issued are: PRNV/2023/111/1; PRNV/2023/112/1; PRNV/2023/121/1; PRNV/2023/131.A/1; PRNV/2023/131.B/1; PRNV/2023/131.C/1; PRNV/2023/131.D/1;

The applicant guidelines dedicated to the public environment that will be updated are:

  • 712 – Improvement of tourism infrastructure (urban)
  • 713 – Infrastructure development for spa and balneoclimatic tourism (urban)
  • 722 – Improvement of tourism infrastructure (rural)
  • 723 – Infrastructure development for spa and balneoclimatic tourism (rural)

The applicant's guidelines were discussed: 113 – Innovation ecosystems – CDI centers – Including collaborative research and 131.F – Support for the internationalization of SMEs, the methodologies and selection criteria for the call for projects related to the guide were approved 132.A.2 – Supporting the development of initial investments of SMEs in smart specialization parks and technical assistance instruction.

The agenda of the meeting also included the approval of the methodology necessary for the phasing of ROP projects 2014-2020 and the modification of the North-West Regional Program 2021-2027 in this regard.

The mission of the North-West Regional Program Management Authority 2021-2027 is to contribute to the development of the region by financing the best projects, which bring the greatest benefits to the inhabitants of the North-West region.

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Second Corrigendum to Applicant's Guide 311.A
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CORRIGENDUM for Applicant Guides 112, 131.B, 131.C, 131.D
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