INSTRUCTION NO. 3 of 30.10.2023 Concerning the modification of the contracting calendar within the North-West Regional Program 2021-2027

The Management Authority for the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027 issued Instruction no. 3/30.10.2023 for changing the contracting calendar within the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027.

Considering EC Decision no. C(2022) 7386 approving the "North-West" program for support from the European Regional Development Fund under the objective "Investments for employment and economic growth" for the North-West region of Romania, CCI 2021RO16RFPR008, under provisions of GEO no. 122 of July 29, 2020 regarding some measures to ensure the efficiency of the decision-making process of non-reimbursable external funds intended for regional development in Romania, with subsequent amendments and additions, of Law no. 315 of June 28, 2004 regarding regional development in Romania, with subsequent amendments and additions, GEO no. 23 of April 12, 2023 regarding the establishment of simplification and digitization measures for the management of European funds related to the Cohesion Policy 2021-2027, GEO no. 28 of August 10, 2023 for the establishment of measures necessary to optimize the implementation process of projects financed from non-reimbursable external funds, of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 24, 2021 establishing common provisions on the European Development Fund Regional, the European Social Fund Plus, the Cohesion Fund, the Just Transition Fund and the European Fund for Maritime Affairs, Fisheries and Aquaculture and establishing the financial rules applicable to these funds, as well as the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, the Internal Security Fund and the Financial Support Instrument for Border Management and Visa Policy.

Taking into account the provisions of OG 28/2023 for the establishment of measures necessary to optimize the implementation process of projects financed from non-reimbursable external funds, Taking into account the operational procedure for the contracting of projects within PR Nord-West PO.AMPRNV.08/CON, Considering the fact that , until now, the CONTRACTING module in the MySMIS2021/SMIS2021+ application is not operational, which prevents the start of the contracting stage, the Directorate of the Management Authority for the North-West Regional Program 2021-2027 issues the following INSTRUCTION:

Article 1 Starting with the present date, the calendar of contracting activities for selected projects within the North-West Regional Program 2021-2027 is changed. Thus, for the projects for which the technical and financial evaluation is completed before the operationalization date of the CONTRACTING module in the MySMIS2021/SMIS2021+ application, the start of the contracting stage is postponed until the operationalization date of this module.

Article 2 The provisions of art. 1 does not apply to projects submitted within the calls related to the 2021-2027 programming period, launched in the MySMIS2021/SMIS2021+ computer system, for which expenses will be declared and payment requests will be sent to the European Commission until the end of 2023 and for which the Authority Management for the North-West Regional Program 2021-2027, according to the specific attributions and in accordance with the provisions of OG 28/2023, ensures the progress through the MySMIS2014/SMIS2014+ computer system of the stages for which the MySMIS2021/SMIS2021+ computer system is not operational.

Article 3 This instruction comes into force on the date of its publication on the website


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Applicant Guide 113 – Innovation ecosystems – R&D centers – Including collaborative research was published today, November 3, 2023 in public consultation by the North-West Regional Development Agency, as the Managing Authority for the North-West Regional Program 2021- 2027 (NORTH-WEST REGION)
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