Applicant's Guide 132.A.2 – Supporting the development of initial investments of SMEs in smart specialization parks

Guide 132.A.2 was published – Supporting the development of some SMEs' initial investments in smart specialization parks.


SMEs can benefit from funds of up to 2.5 million euros for the implementation of a project within the smart specialization parks that will be created in the North-West Development Region.

The call for projects dedicated to this type of financing, PRNV/2024/132.A.2/1, benefits from a total allocation of approximately 50 million euros, and the applicant's guide in its final form can be consulted on the program's website at :

Beneficiaries of the projects can obtain within this call for projects:

  • support for the transition to production of the results of research, development and innovation (CDI), consultancy for innovation or the adoption of innovative solutions and preparation for their marketing, by SMEs;
  • support in the form of grants in favor of the development of economic activities (eg: investments for the development and/or diversification of production capacity/providing services, the purchase of new technologies, etc.) proposed by SMEs, to ensure sustainability and resilience, in within the intelligent specialization parks.

Funding applications can be submitted through the MySMIS 2021/2021+ IT system during: April 8, 2024, 10:00 a.m. – October 8, 2025, 10:00 a.m..

In the next period, an event will be organized to present the beneficiary's guide, and during it the guide's developers will be at the disposal of those interested for a question and answer session. If you want to participate in this event, we invite you to send us an e-mail at the address to express your interest in participating in this event.

This call contributes to policy objective 1 "A more competitive and smarter Europe by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity", priority 1 "A competitive region through innovation, digitization and dynamic enterprises", specific objective 1.3 "Intensification of sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation within SMEs, including through productive investments", action b) "Supporting the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem, encouraging the development of different specific forms of entrepreneurship, such as support structures for SMEs" within the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027.

The North-West Regional Program 2021-2027 proposes interventions for the development of research, development, innovation and digitization capacity, increasing the energy performance of the existing public and residential building fund, capitalizing on degraded spaces at the city level, sustainable urban mobility, investments in the network of county roads and in the educational infrastructure, as well as actions to capitalize on the cultural, touristic and spa potential.

In the financial year 2021-2027, public authorities and institutions, the business environment, the academic and research environment and NGOs can obtain funding.

The Northwest Regional Program benefits from a total allocation of 1,437,252,471 euros.

  • Priority 1: A competitive region through innovation, digitization and dynamic enterprises – total value: 327,904,956 euros
  • Priority 2: A region with smart localities - total value: 60,332,872 euros
  • Priority 3: A region with environmentally friendly localities – total value: 210,666,112 euros
  • Priority 4: A region with sustainable multimodal urban mobility – total value: 305,155,751 euros
  • Priority 5: An accessible region - total value: 184,978,708 euros
  • Priority 6: An educated region - total value: 77,386,100 euros
  • Priority 7: An attractive region - total value: 210,363,134 euros
  • Technical assistance – total value: 60,464,838 euros

More information about the Northwest Regional Program for 2021-2027 is available here, and the program can be consulted here.

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