Applicant Guide 714.C – Multifunctional Centers was published today, August 24, 2023, by the North-West Regional Development Agency, as the Managing Authority for the North-West Regional Program 2021-2027 (REGIO North-West)

The Northwest Regional Development Agency, as the Management Authority for the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027 (NORTH-VEST REGION), publishes today, August 24, 2023, Applicant's Guide 714.C – Multipurpose Centers.

The call for projects is competitive, with submission deadline, and funding applications can be submitted through the MySMIS 2021/2021+ computer system during:  September 18, 2023, 10:00 a.m. – March 18, 2024, 10:00 a.m.

Download – Applicant's Guide 714.C – Multipurpose Centers

ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES related to this call consist of: building, expanding, modernizing and rehabilitating spaces with socio-cultural and/or recreational functions. The furnishing of these spaces and the access to the multifunctional centers are only eligible together with one of the construction, extension, modernization or rehabilitation activities. Regarding the provision of access to the multifunctional centers, the following activities are eligible:

  • Clearance and development of the land;
  • Arrangements for environmental protection;
  • Construction/expansion/modernization/rehabilitation of wi-fi systems;
  • Realization of an irrigation system/lighting system for the spaces arranged by the project;
  • Setting up the space as a green space and restoring the aesthetics of the landscape on the site related to the project.

Within these spaces, socio-cultural and recreational activities can be carried out, including by changing the original use of the buildings to confer cultural and/or recreational functions.

Also, currently damaged and/or unused buildings can be the subject of projects financed by this priority, which, after the implementation of the project, will be prepared for new socio-cultural, recreational activities from the above. The investments made must be justified from the perspective of their contribution to physical, social and economic revitalization, and to improving the quality of life of the population in small and medium-sized towns, with an emphasis on vulnerable/disadvantaged groups respectively, depending on the identified local needs and project activities.


  • rehabilitation/modernization of the access streets/alleys to the objective, the carriageway, including the construction of small parking lots
  • the relocation, modernization and expansion of public utility networks (water, sewage, lighting, telephone, etc.) that are located in the body of the roadway and parking lots that are the object of the investment

The expenses from the basic investment related to the activity rehabilitation/modernization access streets/alleys to the objective, the carriageway, as well as the construction of small parking lots can represent a maximum of 15% of the total eligible expenses of the project (if they are the only related investments in the project).

Equally, the expenses from the basic investment related to the activity the relocation, modernization and expansion of public utility networks (water, sewerage, lighting, telephone, etc.) that are located in the body of the roadway and the parking lots that are the object of the investment they can represent a maximum of 15% of the total eligible expenses of the project (if they are the only related investments in the project).

The eligible activities listed above are not limiting, other activities of the above type can be considered eligible if they fall within the limits of the activities supported by PR NV 2021-2027 and if the applicant justifies the necessity of their performance for the purpose of implementing the project and is carried out on the site the project.

The North-West Regional Program 2021-2027 proposes interventions for the development of research, development, innovation and digitization capacity, increasing the energy performance of the existing public and residential building fund, capitalizing on degraded spaces at the city level, sustainable urban mobility, investments in the network of county roads and in the educational infrastructure, as well as actions to capitalize on the cultural, touristic and spa potential.

In the financial year 2021-2027, public authorities and institutions, the business environment, the academic and research environment and NGOs can obtain funding.

The Northwest Regional Program benefits from a total allocation of 1,437,252,471 euros.

  • Priority 1: A competitive region through innovation, digitization and dynamic enterprises - total value: 327,904,956 euros
  • Priority 2: A region with smart localities - total value: 60,332,872 euros
  • Priority 3: A region with environmentally friendly localities - total value: 210,666,112 euros
  • Priority 4: A region with sustainable multimodal urban mobility – total value: 305,155,751 euros
  • Priority 5: An accessible region - total value: 184,978,708 euros
  • Priority 6: An educated region - total value: 77,386,100 euros
  • Priority 7: An attractive region - total value: 210,363,134 euros
  • Technical assistance – total value: 60,464,838 euros

More information about the Northwest Regional Program for 2021-2027 is available here, and the program can be consulted here.

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