The Northwest Regional Development Agency, as the Management Authority for the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027 (REGIO Northwest), publishes today, July 6, 2023, the second call for projects within the program.

The North-West Regional Development Agency, as the Managing Authority for the North-West Regional Program 2021-2027 (REGIO North-West), publishes today, July 6, 2023, the Applicant's Guide for the call for projects PRNV/2023/521/1 – Construction/rehabilitation of secondary road links to the road network and TEN-T nodes.

The call for projects is competitive, and funding applications can be submitted through the MySMIS 2021/2021+ computer system during: August 1, 2023, 10:00 a.m. – January 31, 2024, 11:59 p.m.

Download – Applicant Guide PRNV/2023/521/1 – Construction/rehabilitation of secondary road links to the road network and TEN-T nodes.

The proposed investment projects will have an impact on economic development at the county or regional level, will contribute to balanced development at the regional level and will ensure easier access of the population to the TEN-T network, including access to the county seat municipalities to access certain services.
The action supported in this call for projects is building and/or rehabilitating secondary road links to the road network and TEN-T nodes

Investments in the development and modernization of the regional transport infrastructure were prioritized through economic and social foundations within the Northwest PDR 2021-2027, correlated with the General Transport Master Plan (MPGT).

MAIN ACTIVITIES that can be financed independently within the projects related to this call consist of:

  1. Modernization and rehabilitation works, to improve the relevant parameters – road safety, bearing capacity, etc. of existing county roads (including bridges and footbridges, access to properties - in the public domain) that ensure direct (county roads or routes composed of several directly connected county roads) or indirect (county roads/routes connected to the network through a modernized national road) connectivity with the road network and TEN-T nodes, and complementary activities;
  2. Construction works of new county road segments to connect to highways or express roads located on the TEN-T network, and complementary activities
  3. Works to build/extend/modernize bypass variants with county road status that will be part of the secondary transport network, which ensures direct or indirect connectivity with the road network and TEN-T nodes, and complementary activities;
  4. Construction/modernization/rehabilitation/extension of road passages/nodes exclusively to ensure connectivity to the TEN-T network and the construction of pedestrian walkways, if they are located on the route of the county road proposed for modernization and rehabilitation and complementary activities;
  5. Construction works of new connecting roads with county road status that ensure direct or indirect connectivity with the road network and TEN-T nodes and complementary activities;
  6. Purchase and installation of alternative fuel filling stations.

SECONDARY ACTIVITIES which can be financed integrated through this call only within projects that include at least one main activity from the above, otherwise the projects will be rejected from financing:

  1.  building/creating roundabouts and other elements to increase traffic safety (protective parapets, speed limiters – including resonator markings),
  2. the construction/modernization of stations and alveoli for public transport on the county road route;
  3. the construction/modernization of alveoli intended for parking cars during the charging/recharging period with alternative fuels on the county road route
  4. making investments aimed at road safety for pedestrians and cyclists
  5. creating alignments of trees located along transport routes
  6. provision of parapets for protection, bank defenses and slope reinforcements
  7. measures to ensure lateral connectivity for species of large carnivores, wild ungulates, but also amphibians, reptiles or small mammals
  8. the implementation of digitization solutions
  9. making access to the properties located on one side and the other along the county road

The North-West Regional Program 2021-2027 proposes interventions for the development of research, development, innovation and digitization capacity, increasing the energy performance of the existing public and residential building fund, capitalizing on degraded spaces at the city level, sustainable urban mobility, investments in the network of county roads and in the educational infrastructure, as well as actions to capitalize on the cultural, touristic and spa potential.

In the financial year 2021-2027, public authorities and institutions, the business environment, the academic and research environment and NGOs can obtain funding.

The Northwest Regional Program benefits from a total allocation of 1,437,252,471 euros.

    • Priority 1: A competitive region through innovation, digitization and dynamic enterprises - total value: 327,904,956 euros
    • Priority 2: A region with smart localities - total value: 60,332,872 euros
    • Priority 3: A region with environmentally friendly localities - total value: 210,666,112 euros
    • Priority 4: A region with sustainable multimodal urban mobility – total value: 305,155,751 euros
    • Priority 5: An accessible region - total value: 184,978,708 euros
    • Priority 6: An educated region - total value: 77,386,100 euros
    • Priority 7: An attractive region - total value: 210,363,134 euros
    • Technical assistance – total value: 60,464,838 euros

More information about the Northwest Regional Program for 2021-2027 is available here, and the program can be consulted here.

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The Northwest Regional Development Agency, as the Management Authority for the Northwest Regional Program 2021-2027 (REGIO Northwest), publishes today, July 4, 2023, the first call for projects within the program.
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De minimis aid scheme "Investments in alternative fuel filling stations on the county road network in the Northwest Development Region"
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